Contact Monmouth Town Council

Please note that if you need help with Benefits, Highways, Recycling or Waste please call 01633 644 644 for Monmouthshire County Council as they manage these services. 


The Town Clerk is able to sign foreign pension forms please phone ahead to avoid disappointment.


Monmouth Town Council Staff 

Town Clerk and Deputy RFO: Caitlin Williams  

Responsible Finance Officer and Deputy Town Clerk: Natasha Jones

Support Officer: Catherine Morgan


Contact Details

Monmouth Town Council, Shire Hall, Agincourt Square, Monmouth, NP25 3DY

01600 732722 

The Shire Hall is owned by the County Council, accessible to all and DDA compliant. You can usually visit us in person at Shire Hall during opening hours:



MONDAY 11am to 3pm (if the Council are due to have an evening meeting then the office staff may not be in until later in the day, so please make sure to phone ahead to avoid disappointment)

TUESDAY 11am to 3pm


THURSDAY Officers will be working from home and can be contacted via email (see above) between the hours of 11am to 3pm. 

FRIDAY 11am to 3pm

Photo of Caitlin Williams (Town Clerk)


Town Clerk and Deputy RFO: Caitlin Williams


Support Officer: Catherine Morgan 

Please send us a message below.