Monmouth Town Council is a statutory consultee on planning applications which are ultimately decided by Monmouthshire County Council which is the Local Planning Authority. All planning applications can be viewed on their website by using the search facility.
The Planning Committee consists of 9 councillors and meets regularly to consider planning applications received. Meetings are scheduled for Tuesdays and normally start at 6:30pm and are open to the public. The meetings are usually hybrid meetings held both in the Wye Room of Bridges Community Centre and via Zoom.
Members of the committee give due consideration to all applications received for Monmouth taking into account all information available to them. As far as possible, they try to make recommendations to MCC that are in accordance with planning policy which included such matters as:
- Overlooking & loss of privacy
- Over-development or over crowding of the site
- Detrimental effect on the character of the area
- Over bearing/ out of scale or out of character in terms of appearance
The committee is also responsible for other planning related matters such as responding to consultations on planning policies that will impact on the town and influencing developer contributions.
The full list of responsibilities can be viewed in the Scheme of Delegation.
Agendas are issued on the Town Council’s website
and in notice boards with three clear days
notice and set out the business to be transacted. All meetings are open to
the public. Members of the public are welcome to speak at meetings but must
make a request in writing at least the working day before the meeting.