The Town Council

Monmouth Town Council is made up of 19 Councillors from the 5 wards of Monmouth. As the Town Council is the only tier of locally elected Government totally dedicated to Monmouth, they are ideally situated to carry out their responsibility for the community of Monmouth. 

The Council meets regularly via Committee Meetings as well as Full Council Meetings.  There are 3 Committees: 

The Town Council usually meets at the Shire Hall in Agincourt Square.  The Shire Hall houses a Council Chamber and Mayor's Parlour for use by the Town Council, together with an office for the Town Clerk. The building is owned by the County Council, accessible to all and DDA compliant. Further details about the Shire Hall can be found at their website 


Council and Committee meetings have continued to provide the option of taking part remotely, via Zoom. Details on how to take part in a Council or Committee meeting remotely can be found on the front page of all Agendas. Please note that all members of the press and public are welcome to come to meeting in person. Details of the meetings that have taken place and are due to take place can be found on each of the committee's page.  


Services and Areas of Responsibility

Drybridge Play Area
The Town Council provides this well used area for younger children situated near Overmonnow Primary School.

A safety inspection check is carried out on a weekly basis on the equipment of the play area at Drybridge Park. Any rubbish is collected and removed from the site, trees, fencing and gate are inspected and the play area is inspected for any debris or defects in the surface, especially under or close to the play equipment to keep it safe for children.

 Drybridge Play Park

Dixton Field 
Also known as the Town Field this is the only land MTC has ownership of. It is a large riverside area for walking along the river towards the Dixton Church and is also available for other outside events bookable through the Town Clerk. The Rotary Fireworks display usually takes place at the Town Field.  

The Town Field is inspected and maintained, including mowing the grass during the spring and summer months (14 cuts pa) and before pre-arranged use by other organisations within the community. 

The town’s benches are inspected for good condition and safety, monthly in summer, and bi-monthly in winter. The footpaths are inspected for any signs of deterioration or poor repair monthly.

The lifebelt is inspected at the riverside area on a weekly basis and is replaced when necessary. The riverbank adjacent to the field is cut back when necessary.


Street Cleaning
Street cleaning is arranged by the Town Council to ensure the Town is kept neat and tidy.   Monmouth Town Council liaises with the local litter group who monitor, collect and arrange to keep our streets clean of all types of rubbish.


Grants and Donations
The Town Council gives a variety of grants and donations to locally based organisations acting for the benefit of the town through the People and Places Committee. These have included contributions to the Rockfield Park Community Centre,  Monmouth Music Festival and Carnival and Monmouth Sports Association.

Civic and Ceremonial Events
The Town Council both attends and hosts traditional Civic and Ceremonial events throughout the year, including Civic Service, Remembrance Sunday and Freedom Parades. The Mayor is attended by two Mace Bearers when attending such events in full regalia.

 HMS Monmouth Freedom Parade 2019

Town Decorations
Each November, as part of the Christmas build up, the festive lighting scheme is installed across the Town and includes lighting on two spectacular Christmas Trees; one outside The Shire Hall and the other outside the Oldway Centre at the bottom of Monnow Street. For the rest of the year colourful bunting is installed. The Town Council also funded the erection of history banners throughout the Town. There are 12 in total and each depicts an important historical figure that is linked with Monmouth.

Agincourt Square at Christmas  


Monmouth Floral Decorations
Monmouth Town Council own flower beds and baskets/containers throughout the town that are designed to provide an attractive, vibrant, pollinator friendly and sustainable display for the enjoyment of residents and tourists, day trippers and business visitors. Monmouth Town Council takes the quality of the environment very seriously and is committed to providing attractive Bee Friendly Sustainable floral displays in and around the town centre and surrounding areas all year round.

Flowers on New Monnow Bridge Photo Credit: Shirley Lawton

outside shire hall

Welcome to Monmouth Sign 





View of the punch house